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Free Books For Interface & UX Designers

Useful free eBooks for UX designers, interface designers and product designers — on everything from accessibility and typography to management, IA and content strategy.

These books have been kindly shared by the community, with lessons learned by authors for everybody to read and benefit from. A sincere, enormous thank-you to the authors for making their work available to everyone for free. Hopefully you and your friends will find them useful, too.

Free Books For Designers #

A cover of the book, with a stone surrounded by an ellipsis, and indicating wisdom and insights.

Shape of Design, a wonderful book all around design, its main purpose and how to be a better designer.

The Monster List Of UX Books #

If you are looking for a categorized, searchable list of UX books, The Monster List of UX Books is a fantastic up-to-date list of UX books, grouped by categories, ranked, tagged, searchable and with references to authors. You can suggest and rate books as well. Kindly maintained by Chris Oliver.

A screenshot with a grid of 6 books published recently on interaction design, customer experience and copywriting.

Monster List of UX Books, a wonderful collection of books, neatly categorized in one single place.

My Favorite Books #

Some of the most remarkable books I’m remembering reading are the ones that questioned what I believe in, and change my view of the comfortable universe which I have built around me over the years. Here are some of such books that I keep very close to my heart (in no specific order):

  • The User Experience Team of One, by Leah Buley
  • The Shape of Design, by Frank Chimero
  • Just Enough Research, by Erika Hall
  • How To Make Sense of Any Mess, by Abby Covert
  • Mismatch: How Inclusion Shapes Design, by Kat Holmes
  • Design Systems, by Alla Kholmatova
  • Universal Principles of Design, by Jill Butler, Kritina Holden, William Lidwell
  • Making of a Manager, by Julie Zhuo
  • Envisioning Information, by Edward Tufte
  • Form Design Patterns, by Adam Silver
  • Change by Design, by Tim Brown
  • Meeting Design, by Kevin M. Hoffman
  • The Laws of Simplicity, by John Maeda
  • Steal Like An Artist, by Austin Kleon
  • Build, by Tony Fadell

I could never emphasize enough just how grateful I am to authors taking the time to put together their thoughts and experiences in a book. I know just how much I personally learned from each of the books — and there are so many other wonderful books to discover!

If you can, please support authors and your local stores — and perhaps even send a warm hello to them to let them know just how valuable and impactful their writing has been to you.

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