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Useful Copywriting Tools and Resources

A few little copywriting tools that might help you find just the right words, or at least get inspired and come up with a better copy.

Copywriting is difficult. Staring at the blank screen can feel daunting, but so does finding just the right words for that landing page. Let’s take a look at some copywriting tools that you might find useful in such situations.

1. SpeakHuman.Today #

SpeakHuman.Today is a great little gem. You can generate human-centric microcopy for various purposes, from errors to confirmations messages. Not ideal for copy-paste, of course, but useful to inspire us all to write better copy.

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2. UIcopy # is a useful plugin for Figma and Adobe XD that contains pre-built copy templates for your UI. It’s not generated randomly, but is curated by real humans, and often contains a personal touch. Available only with a subscription.

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3. Microcopy Patterns #

Tiny Words Matter is a friendly Twitter account that provides a curated dose of well-crafted microcopy. Wonderful real-life examples and microcopy patterns.

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4. UX Writing Library #

UX Writing Library is everything on copywriting gathered in one single place: books, communities, tools, online courses, podcasts, newsletters and everything in-between. A great hub to find plenty of resources around UX writing.

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5. Good Email Copy #

Good Email Copy highlights examples of email copywriting, tagged and grouped, with search. There aren’t that many examples for each topic, but it might be just enough to help out once help is needed. And if you need more, check and EmailLove.

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6. Ditto #

Ditto is a lovely tool that acts as a single place to manage the copy in all of its stages. It allows you to build a text component library, track all copy changes, and review and discuss edits, too.

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And That’s A Wrap! #

As always, sending you a lot of good vibes and positive energy for the coming week, everyone! And of course if you could share the newsletter with a friend, or point them to this lovely website, I’d very much appreciate it. Thank you! :)

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