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30 UX Interview Questions To Ask In a Job Interview

Getting ready for your UX job interview? It’s not only the company interviewing you, it’s also you interviewing the company — and it's a great chance to discover red flags ahead of time.

When talking about job interviews for a UX position, we often discuss how to leave a good impression and how to negotiate the right salary. But it’s only one part of the story. The other part is to ask questions and to listen carefully — to discover red flags early, and figure out if a company is a good fit for you.

UX candidates

Best interviews include questions from both sides. A wonderful illustration by José Torre.

Most importantly, it’s a good idea to ask yourself what exactly you need to know about the company to make an informed decision if you actually want to work there.

Useful UX Interview Questions To Ask #

In her recent article, Nati Asher has suggested many useful questions to ask in a job interview — when you are applying as a UX candidate. I’ve taken the liberty to revise some of them, and added a few more questions that might be worth considering for your next job interview.

  1. What are the biggest challenges the team faces at the moment?

  2. What are the team’s main strengths and weaknesses?

  3. What are the traits and skills that will make me successful in this position?

  4. Where is the company going in the next 5 years?

  5. What are the achievements I should aim for over the first 90 days?

  6. What would make you think “I’m so happy we hired X!”?

  7. Do you have any doubts or concerns regarding my fit to this position?

  8. Does the team have any budget for education, research etc.?

  9. What is the process of onboarding in the team?

  10. Who is in the team and how long are they in that team?

  11. Who are the main stakeholders I will work with on a day-to-day basis?

  12. Which options do you have for user research and accessing users or data?

  13. Are there analytics, recordings or other data sources to review?

  14. How do you measure the impact of design work in your company?

  15. To what extent does management understand the ROI of good UX?

  16. How does UX contribute strategically to the company’s success?

  17. Who has the final say on design, and who decides what gets shipped?

  18. What part of the design process does the team spend most time on?

  19. How many projects do designers work on simultaneously?

  20. How has the organization overcome challenges with remote work?

  21. Do we have a design system, and in what state is it currently?

  22. Why does a company want to hire a UX designer?

  23. How would you describe the ideal candidate for this position?

  24. What does a career path look like for this role?

  25. How will my performance be evaluated in this role?

  26. How long do projects take to launch? Can you give me some examples?

  27. What are the most immediate projects that need to be addressed?

  28. How do you see the design team growing in the future?

  29. What traits makes someone successful in this team?

  30. What’s the most challenging part of leading the design team?

  31. How does the company ensure it’s upholding its values?

  32. What is the one thing in your company that you would change if you could?

  33. What is the one thing one should never do in the team?

Before a job interview, choose a few relevant questions and have them ready. Not only will they convey a message that you care about the process and the culture, but also that you understand what is required to be successful. And this fine detail might go a long way.

Useful Resources #

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